Friday, January 22, 2010

New literacies for a new age

This video kind of stumpped me, I didn't really understand what we were supposed to be getting from it (maybe I was having a blonde moment?) I understand how important it is for teachers to have higher education so they can give their students the best education possible, also to be able to allow students to build on their learning. I am assuming this is what we were supposed to get from it. I enjoyed it, I thought it was cute that they were called Heffalumps :) but I didn't really understand it.

Did you know 3.0

After watching the video, I really had to think. One of the things that stood out to me was that we are educating children for jobs that don't exist, how do we know what they will need to know if the jobs don't exist? That just blows my mind! And the fact that soo many children are born in india everyday! Where to they put everyone? Thats scary to think about. I also found very interesting the advances in technology and how fast everything had happend it took something like 38 years to the radio to reach how ever many (I can't remember) then the internet, then text's crazy!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

My first post!

Hi All, hope you are all well! "See" you in class Tuesday!