Friday, April 2, 2010

Videos in the classroom

I finally had time to catch up on my blog readings. I found a blog posted today and I thought it would be a great idea for older kids. On the Cool Cat Teacher Blog she posted about a video she had her students do (highschool students). She posted one video that was very cute. You can see the video here. I thought it would be a fun project for a group project to have the students do a video of their choice using digital cameras. They could come up with an idea, brainstorm about it and then put their project on video. I think it would be fun to host a "film festival" for the parents to watch the videos their children produced/starred in/put together.
What other ideas could you guys come up with for videos? I am anxious to hear all about them.


  1. That sounds like a great idea, and I know students would have a great time with it. However, I think that it could be extended down to elementary school students as well. A few years ago when my second cousin was in 3rd grade she had to do a video project for class, and it turned out well. Then at the end of the year the teacher had a movie day where all of the parents came in watched the videos with the rest of the class. It was really fun. Plus there was popcorn, which only made it better.

  2. I love this idea too, Stephanie. I think children could re- enact a moment in history and film themselves doing so. I think this is a great classroom management tool as well!!

  3. I am friends with a high school student who is all about video and movie making. He started with slow motion, stop action creations. I have asked him to help me create something like this. I figure I need to do one myself before asking students to do it. He is now making a film that he wrote and is directing!
